
Envision’s College Info Night is Sept. 27!

Attn: All Class of 2023 Envision students and families, at Impact Academy, Envision Academy, and City Arts & Leadership Academy!

We are hosting a virtual College Info Night on September 27, 6-7:30 pm. This event is open to seniors and their families from all three of our high schools.

Why should you come? Because you’ll get essential information on college and career exploration and on the right steps to take now for your college and financial aid applications.

New this year: we are including a HBCU Alumni Panel where students and families will learn more about Historically Black Colleges and Universities from Envision staff who attended HBCUs.

Hosted on Zoom: ask your College Advisor for the link and password!

#CollegeBound #HBCU #firstgencollege #reachhigher
